my strange world
hey everyone! this is my new life college. I go to the super exclusive Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, right in the heart of New York City.
Here's the foundations building, where i spend most of my time.
Here's my desk at the studio, where i practically live.
There are the people that i live with:

Jody, Shar, Alison, Logan, and me.
We are from all over the country. Jody and I are from Salt Lake, Alison is from Long Island, Logan is from Kalamath Falls, Oregon, and Shar is from Austin, Texas. Very diverse bunch
We are also a very wacky bunch of people. Just see what our dorm apartment looks like.
this is our kitchen table and the wall on the side of the stairs. yes, we have an upstairs, which is really cool.
This is the area right by the front door, where we have our full length mirror.
These are the stairs up to our bedroom area.
This is the side of the room across from my desk, and that's Logan sitting at her desk.
As you can see, we don't have any internal walls, but our room is the only one of its kind in the building, which is pretty cool.
Oh, and we can't forget my desk, which i rarely use anyway, since i'm usually in the studio. Oh, and that's my supercool mail order computer. When I am in my room, i'm usually sitting at the computer, chatting w/ my friends or writing email, but rarely doing homework.
here are some pictures of my college friends